Jodhpur Industries Association (JIA) is the pioneer organization established during the year-1958 with its HQ. at JODHPUR. This is the oldest Association dedicated to cause of Industrial growth and development of Industries covering large area of arid zone with low rain fall, water scarcity, lack of communication system/roads/transport in western part of Rajasthan State. The activities of the Association started under compelling circumstances during the year-1958 with a mere strength of few member industries with late Shri I.C.Ghoshal and Shri C.M. Agarwal as President and Secretary respectively. Under the guidance and sincere efforts of these two leaders, the Association could gain momentum to place their genuine demands before the Government for Industrial development and expansion of Industries in Jodhpur District. The initiative taken by these two leaders was followed by able industrialists for the last 66 years with increasing strength and co-operation from other Business community. Sincere efforts paid dividends to change the face/shape of Jodhpur City now being the second largest city of Rajasthan with population touching to nearly 30 lakh people.

The greatest achievement for our Jodhpur Industries Association was during the year¬ 1996 when we could raise our own Association building (first time by an Association in the State) in Industrial complex through constant sincere efforts and contributions from our own members. The JIA Building has Air-conditioned Conference Hall (1st floor), Meeting Hall (ground floor), President’s chamber, Administrative section with a separate Computer Cell. Computer installed in JIA building is well connected by Internet facility and Photo copier machines. Office work under supervision of an Administrative Officer is managed under direction of elected President/Secretary of the Association. Important meetings/functions are held in this building.
- To form a common meeting place for the industrialists to find out ways and means for progress, and development of existing industries and formulate plans for establishment of new industries.
- To represent, approach and contact the State Government and the Central Government and other Bodies for the purpose of seeking their help, co-operation and assistance in various matters e.g. Technical knowledge, Statistical Information, Legislation, Taxation, Concessions, etc. concerned with industries.
- Whenever necessary in the general development and interest of Industries to promote other Associations or Co-operative Bodies to acquire, purchase or deal with Raw Materials, finished goods or the sale of the material or other commodities, this present Association being in no way liable for the trading activities of such Associations or Co-operative Bodies thus sponsored.
- To collect and spend funds by way of donations/special subscriptions/contribution etc. for furtherance of cause of industries in particular and development of the regional in gereral.
- To undertake development schemes, programmes for artisans, to organize training programmes & seminars, to undertake steps for market development including organization & participation in trade fairs (National & International) for handicrafts in particular and industries in general.
- To take all other steps which may be in the interest of the industries from time to time.
- To achieve the above objects, the Association shall have the powers:
- For furthering the objects of Association by getting itself affiliated to any other State or National Body if considered necessary.
- To represent the Association in any Government or Local Authority or any other bodies that may seem conducive to the work of Association.
- To take grants from any Government bodies, private organizations or foreign Governments /Organizations/Persons.